Articles by

Gabriel Ong


Living on a ship with 2 kids: The joy of serving together as a family

At just 41 years old, Willy Ong is the Executive Director of Operation Mobilisation (OM) Singapore.  But as Willy himself would tell you, this journey simply started with a search for the meaning of...

Movies & TV

Squid Game: How much are our lives worth?

* MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD. SIGN AWAY YOUR RIGHTS TO A SPOILER-FREE REVIEW FIRST * It’s hard not to watch Squid Game. The setting is immediately straightforward and compelling: a masked, mysterious...

Mental Health

How to journey with those grieving the suicide of a loved one

Three years ago, my brother committed suicide. Facing that was a real struggle — I felt so lonely during the first couple of years, since it’s not something we talk about in our culture and there...


When will my BTO come?

Lately, friends and fellow Singaporeans have been flushed with the news about trouble in the construction industry. Because the coronavirus has wrecked supply lines and caused manpower issues across...


What a car crash failed to teach me

It seems like something out of Fast and Furious. My sister filters right to avoid going down the expressway. She knocks into the van beside her. She quickly swerves left. Before I know it, the car is...


3 things I got wrong about trusting God

We all know what it’s like to grapple with hurt or disappointment when our trust gets broken or when we find ourselves breaking someone else’s trust. Whether it’s keeping secrets for your best...


SOS Symposium: 3 things I learnt about creating safe spaces online

I attended a panel at last week’s Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) Symposium 2021 that centred on safety in digital media, especially when it comes to mental health and suicide risk among users....


Courage Calls: Are we at risk of choosing convenient missions over costly missions? 

A few years ago, Joseph Chean was tasked to close a national prayer event with a segment on missions.  At the Day of His Power, the National Director of YWAM Singapore made an altar call for...

Church Life

How do I lead cell group when some members are vaccinated and some aren’t?

With the arrival of the COVID vaccines, there seemed to be hope that life would return to normal. I myself jumped at the opportunity to be vaccinated as I wanted the freedom to travel abroad again....