Articles by

Dawson Ng


Single, lonely and serious FOMO… can anyone else relate?

Is it just me, or is everyone getting into relationships recently?  Within just the past few months, I have seen more than five couples from my church announcing their relationships on Instagram....


What does it mean to put on the armour of God?

Before we talk about what the armour of God is, why do we even need to put it on? Armour is something that’s only used during war or fighting. So when Paul tells us to put on the armour of God...

Church Life

Youth ministry: 5 key focuses for success and solid growth

Why all this fuss about youths? I found myself asking the same question as I read through the 110-page report put together by the FOPx team. Is it really necessary to put so much emphasis on youth...


Feeling fearful? Here are 7 promises of God to stand upon

Fear, horror… there’s more than enough gruesomeness in our world today. Here in this moment, let’s focus on something good — here are 7 verses from the Bible which will foster...


Halloween: A trick or a treat?

Pumpkins. Vampires costumes. Chocolates and candies. Halloween Horror Nights. What comes to your mind when you think about Halloween? Many younger believers today see Halloween as a harmless...

Mental Health

I was depressed, an alcoholic and an aimless wanderer… but God saved me

I am a victim of child abuse. Growing up, I experienced physical and emotional abuse from my parents, who were always very strict with me. While I recognise that some of these rules and restrictions...


Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why do bad things happen to good people? We often ask this question when we feel like we have done nothing wrong and yet something bad has happened to us, or when we see tragic things happening to...


War in Gaza: Let’s unite in prayer, love and compassion

UPDATE: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore has issued a travel advisory to Singaporeans to avoid all non-essential travel to Israel in view of the ongoing conflict. Singaporeans travelling to...

Mental Health

What does the Bible say about depression?

Many are facing mental health struggles today. Most of us would have friends and loved ones around us who are dealing with these struggles, and some of us are even struggling ourselves. It is a good...