Articles by

Christina Wong


Battleship Island: The war wages on, but we have hope

WARNING: SPOILERS ABOUND. IF YOU HAVENā€™T WATCHED THE MOVIE, GO WATCH IT FIRST. DONā€™T SAY OPPA DIDNā€™T WARN YOU! ā€œHow was the movie?ā€ My mom asked me after Iā€™d came home from watching...

Studies & NS

“I felt like the dumbest student in school”

I grew up in a family where I was always taught thatĀ “character is more important than how well you do in school”. My parents never pressured me to get straight As. They were okay with...


Thereā€™s much to be thankful for this National Day

Iā€™m not theĀ most patriotic person around. I donā€™t volunteer with the grassroots and Iā€™m completely oblivious to any community events held in my constituency. Truth be told, I donā€™t really...

Mental Health

Stop pretending that everything is okay

How are you? I’m good. Have you ever reached a point where your life feels like a lie the whole time? No matter how many hollow how are yous you’re asked, you’re always good, even...


When authenticity is no longer authentic

Times are changing. The real world isnā€™t exactly the real world. Our online personas arenā€™t exactly us. Itā€™s as if everyone is now a brand,Ā needingĀ a certain level of brand management....

Church Life

Where have all my church friends gone?

Iā€™d woken up with a nagging image of my formerĀ cell group member in my head. I wondered why. I hadnā€™t heard from her or seen her around for quite a long time, come to think of it; I decided to...


Saying yes to God ā€“ one year on

In their hearts humans plan their course, but theĀ LordĀ establishes their steps. (Proverbs 16:9) I wrote that verse out and put it up on my room walls the night before my ā€˜Aā€™ Level examinations....


When my mentee came out to me

ā€œI have something to tell you. I’mĀ attracted to the same gender.ā€ Someone I was mentoringĀ in church had suddenly asked to meet me. She lookedĀ extremely jittery and it was clear something...


I don’t shun you for your beliefs. Could I ask the same from you?

Christians?Ā Haters. Bigots. Hypocrites. Party-poopers. Wet blankets. I’ve heard it all before. I come from an arts school and creative background, so I have friends ā€” many friends, in fact...