Articles by

Cherie Lok


Was this the worst year of all time?

Dear reader,  Congratulations, you did it! You made it through 2020! To many, this felt like the longest, worst year on record. Indeed, a highlight reel of the yearā€™s major happenings might look...


How one man followed the call of Godā€¦ all the way to Africa

Leonard Ong would never have guessed that a relaxing evening spent watching a fishing programme would eventually lead to an extraordinary journey into the heart of Africa. But when God calls, you...


When I was fearful of change

Growing up on a steady diet of Hollywood coming-of-age stories whose protagonists are sometimes accused of changing for the worse, the elevation of constancy over change had been inculcated in me...

Movies & TV

5 things I learnt from following football

Thereā€™s just something about the beautiful game, isnā€™t there? For 90 minutes every week, fans get to live vicariously through 11 men lucky enough to perform on one of lifeā€™s biggest, most...

Do Good

6 young adults launch local creation care initiative

Sitting across the table from me, Dennis Tan wears a shirt on which two trees are engaged in a lightsaber battle. Underneath the duelling trees is the phrase ā€œMay the forest be with youā€, a pun...

Mental Health

Erasing the stigma of suicide: Nobody should have to struggle alone

When you hear the term ā€œmental illnessā€, whatā€™s the first image that pops into your mind?  For nearly half the participants in a 2017 study, this prompt conjured up negative impressions of...

Do Good

ā€œToday, they are our friends!ā€ How a ground-up initiative to bless migrant workers was birthed

ā€œIf you love me, feed my sheep!ā€ These words (John 21:17) reverberated in Figin Sengā€™s mind as she read about the plight of Singaporeā€™s migrant workers earlier this year. With the sudden...


Donā€™t let the darkness obscure the light

On a hot summerā€™s day in June, a young Jewish girl watches with fear and trepidation as the raging mob camped outside of Jerusalemā€™s walls begins its final assault on the cityā€™s northern front....


Fly back or stay home? Singaporeans studying overseas make the most of a disruptive season

When the Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged all Singaporeans studying overseas to return in March, few expected that they might be stranded in Singapore for the rest of the year.  Yet, this is the...