was launched in December 2016 to help a generation of seekers and believers have honest conversations about faith, life, relationships, work and school.
Five years into this journey – five years of conversations spanning fear and faith, hurts and healing, vanity and victory, not to mention an ongoing pandemic – we felt it’s time to level up the discourse. Honesty is a necessary first step to grow an environment of awareness and authenticity.
But transformation of self and society calls for bold faith.
In truth, it should be a given that faith is bold. Because faith requires you to believe in something – more specifically, Someone – beyond the natural, beyond the ordinary. Unfortunately, too much of our faith is lived out in the shadows, behind closed doors, or only in the church building.
There must be more than this.
So: the quest is now to learn what it means to have a faith that is bold, and then live it out. It will look like faith with love, faith with deeds, and faith even when the world is collapsing around you.
It will look like faith that is bold enough that we don’t keep it hidden – where we are proud to proclaim that we have a loving Father God, a gracious Saviour in our Lord Jesus Christ, and the help of the Holy Spirit at all times.
And we’ll do this until the nations are transformed, every soul is saved, and Jesus comes again.