
Your search for "quiet time" yielded 438 results.


Circuit breaker: How has your Quiet Time been?

Since the circuit breaker began, Iā€™ve been seeing more of my friends posting videos of themselves either picking up a new skill or revisiting an old hobby of theirs. Excess time can actually...


How can quiet time be done out of love, not obligation?

‘These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.” (Isaiah 29:13) Echoed by Jesus,...


When doing Quiet Time is boring

What does your attitude and approach to your personal Bible study reveal about you and what you expect of Jesus? This was a very thought provoking question from my BSF study this season, where I...


Why is it so hard to have Quiet Time?

Imagine you are doing poorly at a subject in school (Maybe some of you don’t have to work too hard to imagine this.) Maybe you keep failing your exams. You may even be thinking ofĀ quitting...


Tools for your Quiet Time

I get it. Sometimes, you read the Bible, andĀ charactersĀ like Enoch and Moses appearĀ unrealistic ā€“ itĀ feels like theyā€™ve set a standard for spirituality I canā€™t reach, and itā€™s super...


Leap year: What are we really spending our time on?

Did you know that 2024 is a leap year? We have 366 days this year instead of 365. While the modern calendar contains 365 days, the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun is actually longer ā€“...


Quiet Quitting: Why TikTok’s latest trend is more dangerous than it sounds

I recently learned about this new trend of ā€œquiet quittingā€. It doesn’t mean leaving your job, but doing the bare minimum at work. After TikToker Zaid Khan posted about the trend, the term...


5 people in the Bible who got through tough times (and how!)

Everyone goes through difficult times. Some may be struggling with an exam season, others may be going through a painful breakup. Certainly, all of us are going through the current COVID-19 pandemic....


Was this the worst year of all time?

Dear reader,Ā  Congratulations, you did it! You made it through 2020! To many, this felt like the longest, worst year on record. Indeed, a highlight reel of the yearā€™s major happenings might look...