One of the most exciting events the Awaken Generation team has the privilege of hosting every year is our annual Mid-Year Showcase, where our songwriters and musicians present the original songs they worked on throughout Semester One.

As mentors, it’s a huge highlight to see our students get the opportunity to share their creative work in front of an audience – ultimately revealing an aspect of the Father through their testimony and sharing. I’ve been so privileged to witness a beautiful culture emerge in my songwriting class – a culture that celebrates the gifts and successes of their peers.

We all will be confronted with an uncomfortable feeling that arises from insecurity at one time or another – a feeling of discomfort when you see someone else succeed (especially in your area of gifting) leaving you feeling inadequate, insufficient and left behind.

If God chooses to bless someone, that does not mean He now has less to bless you with!

God is in the business of breaking off this spirit of jealousy, envy, and kiasu-ism from our lives. I believe God wants to rewire our ways of thinking (Romans 12:2) in this area, to set us free so that we can rejoice and celebrate with those who succeed around us.

Here are 3 truths I’ve learned to start walking in freedom in this area.


1. Know that God is a God of “More Than Enough!”

If God chooses to bless someone, that does not mean He now has less to bless you with! Our God is Jehovah Jireh, a God of unlimited resources and of abundance. If someone else gets blessed or receives a breakthrough, learn to get excited instead! Because if God can do it for him or her, He is able to do it for you! Meditate on the truth that He is more than enough for you.

2. Develop a heart of a spiritual father/mother/mentor

Brothers compete with one another, but a father’s desire is to see their children’s successes surpass them in every way. Grow in your mindset as a disciple-maker, and know that your greater purpose is to sow into and raise up effective leaders in the Kingdom of God who will go further than you.

We are part of the same team and want to see the bigger vision of God’s kingdom established on earth – we need each other to achieve that!

Grow in your mindset as a disciple-maker, and know that your greater purpose is to sow into and raise up effective leaders in the Kingdom of God who will go further than you.

3. Trust that God has a unique plan in your life that only you can fulfill

Look at your thumbprint: No one else in the world has the same thumbprint as you do! I believe this is an external expression of your inner destiny that is in the same way, completely and utterly unique. Psalm 139:14 says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

As much as I would like to, I am simply not able to reach the same people as you, because I’m not you. I don’t have the exact same gifts, personality, culture, DNA, spheres of influence, calling and position as you. No one else can fulfil your destiny, except you!

So, choose to break off the spirit of comparison, and learn to steward what God entrusted specifically to you and steward it well for yourself, not comparing yourself to others.

My prayer is that the Lord will make you a champion for others. May God give you grace to be an encourager – just as Barnabas was to Paul. Allow God to take you into the fullness of the destiny He has for you, and know that it is His desire to promote and prosper you in every way.

This article was first published on Awaken Generation’s blog, and is republished with permission.