Growing up in a family of freethinkers, Ting Wei knew little about religion. Though there were certain religious practices that his family would observe due to tradition, these were considered more as lucky charms and good fortune.

Faith was not something that was on Ting Wei’s mind, until his close friends in Junior College (JC) sparked his curiosity towards Christianity. Ting Wei was going through a tough season in JC, when some of them prayed for him and invited him to church.

While he felt welcomed by the community and enjoyed the warm atmosphere in the church, Ting Wei struggled to believe that there was a God who loved him because of his sense of self-loathing.

“I couldn’t love myself, much less believe in a figure who could so wholeheartedly love everyone,” said Ting Wei. “I couldn’t believe that there is a God who would sacrifice Himself for everyone.”

Ting Wei was also a person who was cynical towards relationships. He felt that people were often selfish, and he wondered if there could really be a God who would love so selflessly. As a result, the message of the Christian faith remained “unrelatable” to Ting Wei.

A few years later, Ting Wei also got attached with a girlfriend who was particularly sceptical towards Christianity.

It was also around this time that he began to reflect more on his life, and he began to realise that there was undeniably a clear and constant guiding force in his life.

This was a new development that made Ting Wei feel more conflicted because he knew that his newfound curiosity towards Christianity wouldn’t be helpful for his relationship.

Cracks and clarity 

An unexpected turning point came when Ting Wei was helping his ex-girlfriend to prepare for a class debate.

He was asked to defend Christianity so that she could rehearse her arguments against the Christian faith. But to Ting Wei’s surprise, he was able to counter her arguments effectively despite not having much preparation.

As more time passed, cracks began to form in Ting Wei’s relationship. The relationship wasn’t working out at all, and Ting Wei wasn’t sure whether to end it.

Not knowing how to pray to God, Ting Wei could only pray to the sky about what he was feeling.

Within a month, the girl suggested to end things. That was the clarity Ting Wei needed, and he found he could move on quite easily.

His focus then shifted to finding out more about this God who seemed to be leading his steps.

As such, Ting Wei started talking more to a Christian friend who always listened to worship music while studying.

After a few conversations, this friend invited Ting Wei to her cell group for a night of board games. That was when he received an invitation from the cell group leader to attend the Alpha Course.

Ting Wei was pleasantly surprised by how comfortable and friendly the Alpha sessions were. Even from the first session, he enjoyed the straightforward videos and discussions which progressively helped to clarify his understanding of Christianity.

“I didn’t feel like I was too far behind in my knowledge and had a lot to catch up on. It was a very easy first step to take. And for every session that I went to, I didn’t feel any pressure. It felt very comfortable.”

Ting Wei also felt supported by the cell members and cell leaders who joined in the sessions. They were asking questions and learning together, which made Ting Wei feel like he was on a journey of faith with everyone else.

“When I first joined Alpha, I was worried that there would be a barrier to entry or a steep learning curve. I thought that everyone there would have known so much more than me, and I would just be a newbie going in blind.

“But everyone there was on a journey together with me. Even if they knew more Scripture than I did, they were just as engaged in this journey as I am. At the end of the day, we were all just trying to know and love God more.”

Religion to relationship, relationship to renewal

These Alpha sessions helped Ting Wei come to know God as a personal and loving figure. 

Indeed, having a space and community where he could openly discuss about God and hear from others made him realise that God is indeed a good Father who loves him personally, rather than some divine being we can’t get close to.

Where once he had prayed to the sky, Ting Wei also began to learn about prayer through Alpha and came to see that there is a God who cares and listens to us.

Talking to God is now something that Ting Wei enjoys daily, because he knows that he is talking to a Friend who is both intimate and all-powerful.

After the Alpha course concluded, Ting Wei continued to seek God and went on a 50-day fast. By the end of that fast, he chose to believe in Jesus and accepted Him as his Lord and Saviour.

Today, Ting Wei’s life is no longer the same. Friends have pointed out positive changes about his life, and his relationship with his parents has also improved.

Ting Wei is certain that what people see as character development and maturity, is actually a simple decision to follow God and walk in obedience.

Ting Wei’s prayer is that his life will continue to be a testimony that leads those around him, as well as his pre-believing mother, to Christ.

… even with our shortcomings and limitations, God will provide and deliver us. He will always see us through.

To those who may still have doubts about the faith, Ting Wei would like to share his favourite quote by Christine Caine: “Faith is predicated on trust, not understanding”.

Doubts are a normal part of life, we just have to know how to deal with them. “That’s what faith is,” affirms Ting Wei. “It’s trusting God, that even with our shortcomings and limitations, God will provide and deliver us. He will always see us through.”

Alpha Singapore will be premiering their new Alpha Youth Series at FOPx Worship Night on 12 October 2024, at 5.30pm. Invite your friends and get ready to encounter Jesus at St Andrew’s Cathedral!

You can also find out more about Alpha Singapore here.