“And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him. And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach” (Mark 3:13-14, ESV)

The Antioch Summit will be a holy assembly. As our theme verse above goes, we gather so that we might be with Jesus, and have Him send us out to the nations for His glory!

I’ve been so blessed to serve alongside an amazing team that hails from diverse churches and agencies. They’ve all worked hard and are growing in their excitement as the day draws near.

Hence, I got five of them to share their passion for the Summit below.

Christy, National Director of Interserve Singapore

What thrills me about the upcoming Antioch Summit is how the programme has been designed with the first and top priority of meeting Jesus together, because He desires us!

The second day of Summit will also afford ample opportunities for us to connect with like-minded people whose hearts beat for the same region or common issues of interest.

It will be a great time of connecting, discovering and discerning as we share and hear from one another. I believe this will reveal to us where and how the Lord is moving through His Church in Singapore.

I can’t wait to see what will unfold from this journey of discovery and discernment!

Amos Pang, Pastor at Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Church

Personally, the process of planning this year’s Antioch Summit was filled with much fear and trembling. In many ways, it has forced me out of my comfort zone even more so than last year.

More importantly, it pushed me and the rest of the team to trust God for His leading, even if it entailed more work, more effort and more uncertainties.

At the heart of it, we simply desire to be obedient in presenting a Summit that truly comes from God’s calling.


This year’s Summit is NOT like last year’s Summit. It is NOT a repeat.

Whether you attended the Summit last year, I invite you to come and see what the Lord is doing all across the world. And I pray that we will all become a part of the Body of Christ that will follow His call to the nations.

Vincent Tan, Missions Mobiliser

What stirs me up about the upcoming Antioch Summit is the sight of hundreds of God’s people coming together, with kindred spirits to learn, collaborate, envision and dream about what we can do together to serve the nations.

I dream too that many young people will come to hear God’s voice and catch His desire for the full number of nations to gather and worship the King together!

While the nations are burning in distress, let us burn with God’s passion for the nations! May God’s children rise up and respond to the needs of the last, the least and the lost.

Amos Chong, Staff at YWAM SG Go Centre

The upcoming Antioch Summit is an exciting opportunity for the Body of Christ to come together in unity and purpose.

It’s more than just a gathering. It’s a chance for believers to connect with one another, deepen relationships and sharpen one another in faith.

My hope is that through this Summit, many will gain a greater understanding of God’s mission and God’s call to spread the Gospel. And thus, catching God’s heart for the nations.

I can’t wait to see individuals taking tangible steps towards cross-cultural missions, answering the call to serve and sharing Christ’s love all across the world!

Winnie Tomlinson, Missions Pastor of Cornerstone Community Church

Many streams, one direction.” This was the vision that Joe shared when he first spoke to me about Antioch21.

I truly believe that Antioch21 is a God-birthed dream and unity movement. Every part of the diverse and intricate Body of Christ in Singapore is to be mobilised to follow God’s heartbeat for the nations.

No individual or church is too insignificant for God to use. Think about the little toe – even this tiny body part is so vital to the body’s effective movements and functions.

This Antioch Summit, I am excited to see the churches of Singapore, consisting of precious saints and leaders across cultures, demographics and denominations, coming together in godly unity to worship our King and put our hands to the harvest.

I believe that the Holy Spirit will move powerfully not just at the Summit, but also in our nation and beyond.

The hour is late. We need a fresh move of God urgently. We need a refiring of the Holy Spirit all over Singapore, and in God’s global move of missions.

Let’s come together as one to seek His face at Antioch Summit!

Registration is open up to the day of the Summit. Find more information and sign up here.