
Wanna share the Good News, but don’t know where to begin? These resources on evangelism will challenge you to get out there and have more conversations on Christ.

Real Life, Real People

Robbed and stranded overseas, the worst hours of my life led to a series of miracles

For most of my life, I wanted little to do with Christians, particularly because some were pushy and most I encountered couldn’t logically defend their faiths. I would have never thought I would...


Are you a digital missionary? Make these 3 shifts in mindset

On the outside, Katie seemed to have many things — a prosperous career at a global investment bank, a privileged social circle and a group of close friends. But on the inside, she felt empty and...


How far would you go for your best friend to know Jesus?

Having become fast friends in secondary school over common interests like anime and arcade games, Adrian Ng (41) and Patrick Ngo (41) had a strong friendship spanning nearly two decades. But when...


The Picture Bible That Could: How 1 comic book changed the lives of 2 people (and counting!)

My maternal grandmother in the Philippines passed away earlier this year. Thanks to COVID-19, I wasn’t able to see her one last time or even attend her funeral. But I wish I had the chance to tell...


Is it still soccer if we don’t score?

I love soccer. During this period of time, I’m a little ashamed to admit it… but I’m a Manchester United supporter. I remember pre-pandemic, I would always see some guys get...


How to be an evangelist (and yourself!) on social media

Opening the third session of Cru’s #READY webinar series, evangelist Isaac Ong began by sharing that evangelism isn’t really as difficult as one might think. The 34-year-old shared that...


What does it mean to be fishers of men?

I recently read an article about a pair of fishermen brothers who are among the last practitioners of the disappearing art of bubu fishing. Unlike commonly used fishing rods, these box-like bubu...


Living with cancel culture as a Christian

For some years now, being on social media platforms has turned me into a just-keep-it-to-myself kind of Christian. There have been numerous occasions where I’ve been afraid of posting something and...


Sharing Jesus with others: 7 hacks (and 4 encouragements!)

“There was a time in my life that I did not believe evangelism was for me,” revealed Choo Li Min, a Cru campus mentor at Singapore Management University. “I thought it was just for pastors and...