The COVID-19 situation has underscored this famous line quite jarringly: “You do not know what tomorrow will bring”.

The truth that we do not know what tomorrow will bring runs opposite to the Singapore mentality. We are always well-prepared, we anticipate threats, we make plans to mitigate potential problems.

And I am deeply appreciative of a government that does that; Singapore’s response to the coronavirus outbreak has been exemplary.

There are precautionary measures without paranoia, a general sense of grit to buckle down in anticipation of a spike in cases… It’s wonderful!

Yet, sometimes I wonder if living in a country so well protected has given me a false sense of control. I don’t mean we should all pack up and move to the countryside.

Instead, I’m suggesting that the posture of our hearts can be more like what James suggested: “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” Our posture should be one of humility.

Nothing happens outside of the Father’s will. So even this disruptive coronavirus is allowed its course by Father God, for reasons we might never be able to explain.

But we know He is moving in His kingdom. 

I personally struggle greatly when my plans are disrupted.

I had plans this season to leave my government job. God told me to rest in His provision in the next season, as there is more healing and work to be done in me – a time of diving deep. 

But it felt so irrational and reckless to be leaving my “iron rice bowl” in a time of social and economic upheaval. I wondered a lot if this was the right decision, and if I should reconsider the timing of leaving my job. 

Furthermore, my plans after leaving were also ambiguous. It was daunting not knowing if I will be able to have a steady stream of income as a tutor.

I wonder if living in a country so well protected has given me a false sense of control.

Still, I’m leaving because I feel God is calling me to ministry. So as much as I make plans for income and provision, my security is not in money or my plans – but in His plans and His direction. 

If I can make plans with the disposition of “if the Lord wills”, then my response would not be one of frustration, but one that is humble and pleasing to God.

If you’ve been in a situation like I have or have had your plans disrupted, there are two prayers of response you could make that I’d like to share.


1. I choose faith over frustration

Thank you Lord that you are sovereign over this situation.

Thank you, for you have kept us safe and will keep us close to you. I trust that whatever happens, I am firmly secure in your arms. This is not something you throw at us to antagonise us, but you are doing something in your Kingdom that I want to get in on.

“I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps.” (Jeremiah 10:23)

Help me to relinquish my control to you, help me to see how you are directing my steps.

2. I will make faith-focused decisions

Lord, I stand at the crossroads and wait for your direction. I look to you first of all. I ask you to show me which path leads to you and to rest. How should I proceed?

“Let us fear the Lord our God who gives rain in its season, the autumn rain and the spring rain, and keeps for us the weeks appointed for the harvest” (Jeremiah 5:24)

You keep the seasons, you have appointed times for everything. Help me to trust you. Give me courage to walk in the path you have appointed for me, despite the trouble or success.

We may not be able to explain the mysteries of life and their unpredictability, and we may find ourselves fighting to control our lives.

But I pray that our eyes will be opened to see God’s lovingkindness and mercy – that He isn’t just sovereign, but also just and kind.

I pray that we will see that He is the only one who is really in control, and when we relinquish our control to Him, we are held secure in His perfect plans for our lives.

I pray for a renewal of our own minds to make plans that are rooted in God’s will. May the Lord, to whom all wisdom and power belongs, reveal His heart through the Spirit, that we might see His light.

This article was first published on Delphne’s blog and is republished with permission. It has been edited for brevity. 

  1. What has been the most disruptive thing to you in this COVID-19 crisis?
  2. Which of Delphne’s two prayers might apply to you?
  3. Pray also for our nation and the world, and ask God to heal our land.